In a world with a culture on par with that of the pre-industrial revolution era of europe curses are a legitimate and very well documented field of medicine. Though they do not abide by rules normal diseases fall under, they still follow their own rhyme and reason and can be treated like most other illnesses. A legendary alchemist had made this reality so with his discoveries but the light he brought upon these magicks also cast an equally deep shadow with it for medicine easily gives way to poisons. Thus curses came to be spread like wildfire and a new kind of healer rose forth to put out the fires - the curse doctors.
This story centers upon a fatigued but steadfast travelling curse doctor and the delicate but brave young girl that accompanies him and serves as his assistant. They travel from country to country and town to town to help the magickally afflicted while also checking in with local authorities on curses. Though they do offer their aid to common run of the mill curses, the pair actually specialize in treating the rarer and much more difficult cases of which they'll usually find in larger more civilized settlements.
They'll usually be able to treat if not cure their patients but when they do come upon a curse too powerful and complex to do anything for, they'll turn to their last resort - transplanting the curse to the young girl. The girl herself is stricken by an unusual curse herself but its properties allow her to accept any curse into herself with no apparent penalty. At least for herself, the original hosts of the curses will lose something with them once it's been moved into her. They could lose their sight, their principles, their memories and even time but in giving away these curses they also have to give up the aspect of themselves that anchors the curses to them. It is a numbing ordeal but any who undertake it will certainly no longer have to suffer from the same magick and the doctor and his assistant can be on their way.
Once the pair find themselves alone with just each other, the apparent lack of a penalty rears its true colors in their isolation. The girl's affliction has it so that if at any point she goes unobserved by another human, every single curse she has taken on will come alive and put her through a hell that she cannot escape even through death as time has not and will not move for her body since the day she came to be this way. It's in this state she's also able to make use of the aspects she's absorbed with the curses to accomplish superhuman feats but it is those aspects themselves that make the pain that much more unbearable.
The doctor can never leave her side or close his eyes for too long when it's just them and if she is ever left alone for too long, a calamity will repeat itself and neither of them can stomach the thought of that. They seek out an end to this cruel joke and so they travel far and wide to gain knowledge but their journey together can only end in one of two ways and though her time may never meet its end, his is most certainly running out.
He dies in the end, she doesn't get cured and her curse goes crazy the moment he dies in her arms. He's basically a dead man walking on their last case, saving the victim deals him a lethal blow but they leave to go somewhere secluded and act like it's just usual business for him. Last thing he asks from her is to be patient and to let them remember each other smiling. Oh and they're brother and sister and they've been at it for decades. The final scene would be a sequel bait where some brave kid goes up to the "Wailing Peak" and gives her a helping hand because she's been crying. I never had any intention of continuing the story beyond that as much of story pilot climax the epilogue would normally be used as. The funny thing about this particular plot is that I was in a very good mood at the time so I was not in a dark place when I came up with this one as one would suspect. I have no idea why this particular pitch is cheering me up remembering it but it is.