A young policeman takes part in a raid on a cult infamous for tricking its victims out of their fortunes and rescues a young orphan girl they took in moments before their leader was about to perform unspeakable things to her. The protagonist gets into an absurd brawl with the leader with the girl watching and comes out on top after a show of miraculous tenacity against the many brutal defenses the leader had prepped his safe room with. Before passing out from his injuries, the young man assures the girl in an embrace that she's safe now and that he'll never let her come to harm ever again and the moment becomes one that'll stay with her for the rest of her life.
When he wakes up, he finds himself recuperating on a hospital bed with the young girl sleeping in a chair by his bedside. His superior soon arrives and briefs him on how his injuries are going to keep him off duty for the next few months. He also tells him that girl just wouldn't allow them to take her away from him so they let her stay with him in his room for the past few days. They looked into her background too and are stumped about what to do with her since although they should be able to recover her sizeable assets for her, she has no known living relatives to send her to.
That's when the girl speaks up revealing herself to have been awake long enough to tell them that she wants to stay with the protagonist and help him get better. They try to refuse but the girl is adamant and eventually convinces them into placing the two in each other's care for the time being. Time passes and the policeman recovers enough to recuperate back home. At this point, everyone decides it would be fine to let the girl stay in his care until she's old enough to be considered a legal adult so when they get back to his place he tries to make her feel at home but then she asks him, in absolute earnest, a question that throws him for a loop:
"Would you be my new god?"
I can't remember which direction this would go beyond the first chapter. Equal parts healing and horror maybe? I mean I could easily have it so that the girl starts a cute little cult around the MC with her new friends and they start praying to him in a circle or have her kill goats for him because that's what her cult taught her to do to present their devotion. Either way the main fun to be had here is to bully a police officer using a little girl.