A young man not so fresh out of uni and so very desperate for a job, a girlfriend, a purpose - just about any sort of future for himself, finds himself in an abandoned bookstore one day through sheer mishap. The store is in ruins and everything it had to offer had turned to garbage long ago, everything save for an old but strangely well preserved book written in an even stranger script.
Upon further inspection, he finds that the book is mostly blank except for the occasional paragraphs and pictures. He stops flipping through it when he comes across a particular one featuring the images of a beautiful girl on her knees and the man standing over her ready to end her. It drew his attention at first glance but the longer he looked at it the more familiar the man's face became to him. When he stopped staring he could only recognize it as himself.
He brings the book back home with him that night and starts researching what he could find but falls asleep after turning up zilch. When he next opens his eyes he finds himself in a fantasy world town holding on to the book and in the clothes he slept in. He gets caught up in the dawn of a revolution and becomes a central figure to the events that unfold.
He accepts that he may never return home and does his best there but eventually trapped by his enemies and killed. Expecting that to be the end of it all he instead finds himself in his bed. It seemed that it could have only been a dream but then he realizes he's still wearing all the equipment he had on him when he died over there.
He looks through the book once more for answers and finds several pages filled where they were blank before and they all involved the troubles he was in over there. Suspecting things weren't quite over, he prepares himself again that night sleeping in his uncomfortable armor. It pays off as he finds himself in the midst of a battle in the other world. When he dies days later and comes back he finds a different set of pages detailing a war that later lead to the revolution he helped make happen.
He continues on with crossing back and forth between worlds, making history over there and bringing back treasures over here, but one day he gets encounters the girl from the book for the first time. The sorceress had come for him and tells him of her oath to get her revenge on him for all the misery and pain he's brought her in the past, a past he has yet to share with her. After harsh and grueling battle she manages to corner him into helplessness. She bids him farewell with the deepest loathing for him put into words and ends his life there with a fierce thrust of her cursing spear.
He returns back to his room as usual but unusually though, his body is heavy and sapped of vitality. He spends a sleepless morning in bed before he could muster up enough strength to get around his apartment. He decides to see a doctor but just as he is about to leave he gets a visitor at his door.
It's the girl from the book again only instead of coming to kill him, she's come to introduce herself as his new neighbour.